Vole sex…

12 January 2009 | 12:42 | Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Was indeed completely unintentional (and the closest I came to losing my composure on stage). We’d practiced for all sorts of eventualities – including opening SF Gate and finding some really downer depressing news. We never practiced for a news story that might make me want to giggle. Well, I hope this shows it really […]

Mama, tell me a story!

23 August 2008 | 23:40 | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Last year a letter from the editors in Ergonomics in Design sparked my interest. Unfortunately I didn’t get around to commenting on it then due to a slight significant imbalance in my work and life. Today I have more work, and (with the arrival of our new daughter) quite a bit more life, but I […]

Frank Rose writes about Second Life

24 July 2007 | 11:57 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Frank Rose writes about Second Life

In the last issue of Wired, Frank Rose, one of their regular reporters, tackles the topic of Second Life – specifically the frenzy of attempts by big businesses to establish their brands and create a presence there. As Frank uncovers, this frenzy is driven as much by the fear of missing out on the next […]

Wait for it…

1 March 2007 | 11:51 | Work | 5 Comments

Now, gosh durn it, I didn’t really resurrect this blog purely for narcissistic sycophantic adoration. I am however a little bit bandwidth congested in real life, so I find myself only occasionally motivated enough to add something. This little motivating something is a mention by the folks at Engadget on their podcast. You’ll have to […]

Ar Ee Es Pee Ee See Tee

16 February 2007 | 14:47 | Work | Comments Off on Ar Ee Es Pee Ee See Tee

Like the song goes, we all just want a little bit. Somehow I’d missed this very nice little bit of it last year posed by Shawn Conahan on the Intercasting Corp blog. “Matias Duarte, VP of Experience Design at Helio, is an indisputably innovative industrial designer … His kung fu is strong, all must respect […]

Math is hard

9 February 2007 | 16:08 | Work | 1 Comment

With the recent release of Helio numbers you see a lot of journalists trying to dissect what it all means. Ryan Kim of S.F. Gate sums it all up pretty well. “Perhaps the bigger news is the money the company is generating from its growing user base. The company said it is generating monthly revenue […]

Did I really say that?

9 February 2007 | 16:01 | Work | 5 Comments

Jeff Howe of Print Magazine sniffs out the possibility that there might be some design involved in all those cell phones out there. Yours truly gets off a few choice quotes. “It’s an interesting time for mobile design,” says Matias Duarte, chief designer at Helio, a U.S. cellular carrier operated by South Korean phone giant […]

Tough Love…

3 September 2006 | 16:45 | Work | Comments Off on Tough Love…

From my favorite webhost! Really guys, only using mechanical advantage?! At Danger we used to operate on a totally different caliber of destruction… if you know what I mean. No. I’m not going to post pictures.

Callooh! Callay! O frabjous day!

16 June 2006 | 14:26 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Callooh! Callay! O frabjous day!

Domain is ready, WordPress is setup, now all I need to do is get the old blog entires online.

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